

Black death

The civil war in Nigeria officially ended on this day in 1970 following two and a half years of conflict and the death of  millions.     Socialists did not support either side, holding that the workers and peasant farmers had no interest at stake in the capitalist rivalries within Nigeria or in the sordid intervention of Russia, France, Britain and other capitalist powers.   Recent reports, such as that from Amnesty International in November last year stating that government forces had killed at least 150 pro-Biafran activists,  indicate that these rivalries remain and divert workers from expressing their class solidarity.  
Further reading: Nigeria,Biafra and oil.

Nigerians say no to Monsanto

GMO-advocates promote the biotechnology as not only safe for human consumption and the environment, it’s also a solution to malnutrition and global food security, as these crops have been genetically tinkered with to provide certain nutritional benefits and/or spliced-and-diced to resist certain pathogens and other roadblocks.
Nov 25, 2015 ... Domestic Violence in Nigeria ... Being a refugee in Ethiopia · Domestic Violence in Nigeria · The Disappearing "Middle Class' · It's a shitty life ...
Jan 3, 2016 ... Nigeria accounts for about 11 per cent of total global under-five deaths. A report by National Demography and Health Survey showed that 37 ...
Nov 7, 2015 ... An Urban Land-Grab in Nigeria. A couple of months ago security forces chased some 15,000 Nigerians from their homes in Badia East, one of ...
Apr 10, 2014 ... Two articles regarding land acquisition in Nigeria. One on a very large scale, disenfranchising thousands of local inhabitants; the other small ...

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