
Jul 1, 2015 ... Tanzania is the poster boy in a push by Western donor agencies like the World Bank and United States Agency for International Development ...
Sep 8, 2010 ... Following on from the previous post two hundred thousandTanzanian children have died in the last 10 years simply because they were poor.
Dec 23, 2015 ... The message from farmers' groups in Tanzania is clear. They don't want an agricultural system that is dominated by large transnational ...
Jul 4, 2015 ... The company is a three-time honoree of the Tanzania Tourist Board: 2001's Tour Operator of the Year, 2005's Humanitarian of the Year, and ...
May 9, 2012 ... Kipawa, a district of Tanzania's Dar es Salaam, used to be a lively neighbourhood, home to about 1,300 families. Many residents had lived ...
Apr 5, 2015 ... Combine this with the profound lack of protective sunscreens, wide brimmed hats and proper clothing in Tanzania and you find epidemic rates ...
Mar 22, 2013 ... Malawi claims sovereignty over the entirety of the lake that straddles the borders of Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. Meanwhile,Tanzania ...
Oct 2, 2015 ... World Wildlife Fund's findings flagged Tanzania's 50,000km2 Selous game reserve, a World Heritage Site since 1982 that "covers an area ...
Jan 2, 2015 ... More than 70 albinos have been killed over the last three years inTanzania, while there have been only 10 convictions for murder. In the most ...
Aug 15, 2015 ... Research trials lasting three years in Tanzania and Ethiopia found girls between ages 12 and 17 were less likely to get married when offered ...
Jan 11, 2015 ... Ralph Ibbott wrote “Ujamaa: The Hidden Story of Tanzania'sSocialist Villages”. Julius Nyerere, the leader of Tanzania's independence ...
Mar 26, 2015 ... EcoEnergy has secured a 99-year lease of more than 20,000 hectares of land for a sugar cane plantation in the Bagamoyo area of Tanzania.
Jun 4, 2015 ... Also, under commitments made by the governments of Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania, a seperate report (pdf) published on ...
Nov 19, 2007 ... In today's Tanzania only the naïve and the ignoramuses believe that politicians are there to serve people. Politicians are in the game of power, ...
Mar 28, 2015 ... Samwel Messiak, a Tanzanian food campaigner, tells a very different story of the corporate agenda for Africa's food. He told me that in Tanzania ...
Mar 26, 2015 ... In Tanzania and Mozambique, the number of households with electricity has more than doubled in the past five years. So things are changing.
Jun 15, 2013 ... Hundreds of U.S. Secret Service agents will be dispatched to secure facilities in Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. A Navy aircraft carrier or ...
Jul 6, 2015 ... In January, east African head of states suggested that Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania should stop importing used clothes in an effort to revive ...
Jun 7, 2013 ... ... the Guinea Savannah zone covers around 600 million hectares in West Africa —through Uganda and Tanzania and encompassing Malawi, ...
Nov 17, 2014 ... Tanzania has been accused of reneging on its promise to 40,000 Masai pastoralists by going ahead with plans to evict them and turn their ...
May 3, 2007 ... African Socialism or Socialist Africa by A.M. Babu, TanzaniaPublishing House, 1971. This is a very controversial book. It is a sweeping ...
Nov 20, 2015 ... In Tanzania, for instance, the current sanitation investment is less than 0.1% of the GDP! This is a one-way street to illness – one gram of faeces ...
May 13, 2015 ... But Africa is producing bigger and bigger numbers of poor people, so poor so desperate" says Ali Mufuruki, CEO of Tanzania's Infotech ...
Nov 11, 2015 ... Took office in January 1986 after winning the war which ousted the brutal regime of Idi Amin Dada, with help from neighbouring Tanzania.
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