Monday, July 01, 2019

Zimbabwe flooding: secularism versus religion

In March parts of Zimbabwe as well as Mozambique were struck by a cyclone that caused widespread flooding and deaths. A comrade from Zimbabwe comments.

The securalists (weather watchers) made very accurate forecasts. Some of us used WhatsApp to advise/forewarn others of the impending disaster, but believers and Zim bosses, as usual said “Scientists are not Jesus’ and “Ignore social media malice,” relying on primitive hallucinations and prognostications, as in Genesis 9:11 ‘Neither shall all flesh be cut off by a flood’ (one of the false covenants).

If the Zim bosses were to rely more on secular knowledge they would attend more climate change meetings and not hire expensive jets for useless talkshops and hogwash prayer rallies. Indeed, over thirty years they would have, if they had relied on secular analysis, resettled people on terrain not so vulnerable to floods as Rusitu Valley considering its proximity to the danger source. However, since no close relatives of the powers-that-be were victims and that such a fate is a very remote possibility for them, once the only kindness (First Lady’s condolence message) was circulated, all was done! And the compassionate team had the audacity to hire the most expensive aerial taxis and continue their extra-useless (megadeals) talkshops.

The Issac Newtons, Charles Darwins, Galileos, Yuri Gagarins, Karl Marxes and many others on the side of secularism who did so much to open the minds and eye of humans were ignored, as, alas!, many still adhere to the primitive mythical hogwash, i.e invoking divinity and soliciting the suspension of logic. Yes, defying the reality that death means ceasing to exist and believing that one who failed to save himself and died 2,000 years ago can help anyone.


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