Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), a coalition of
pan-African networks, with members in 50 African countries and
representing smallholder farmers, indigenous peoples and civil society,
met in Addis Ababa 12-16th August 2013 to formulate an action plan to
safeguard Africa’s sovereignty over its food, seeds and natural
resources from the assault on Africa’s food systems.
Africa’s diversity and knowledge systems are being threatened by
corporate and genetically modified (GM) seeds, agro-chemicals, resource
grabs and laws that prevent farmers from freely using, sharing or
selling their seed.
These threats come from amongst others, the Alliance for a Green
Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the G8 "New Alliance for Food Security
and Nutrition" that strongly promote the interests of multinational
seed, fertilizer and agro-chemical companies at the expense of the
rights and interests of smallholder farmers.
Currently, 80% of seed in Africa is bred by smallholder farmers, who
freely save and share seed, resulting in a wide diversity of
agricultural crops and a safety net for food security. “We are outraged
at the way African governments are being strong-armed into adopting
draconian seed laws that ensure the dominance of corporate seeds; giving
private breeders monopoly and exclusive marketing rights over seeds,”
said Elizabeth Mpofu, from La Via Campesina Africa.
The entry point for corporate agribusiness into Africa is through
valuable cash crops such as cotton. Bt cotton is promoted as necessary
for African farmers to compete on the global cotton market. "Bt cotton
production in Burkina Faso and South Africa has failed to achieve its
promise. Small farmers are finding that yields and quality of Bt cotton
are extremely low. For this reason Bt cotton planting this year has
plunged from 400,000 hectares to 200,000 hectares in Burkina Faso."
Fatou Batta, Association Nourrir Sans Détruire, Burkina Faso.
The G8 New Alliance places a heavy emphasis on nutrition that focuses
almost exclusively on the bio-fortification of key staple crops.
According to Bernard Guri from COMPAS Africa “Bio-fortification is a
dangerous distraction from real solutions for nutrition such as
increasing crop diversity. We cannot look to dependence on so-called
‘fortified’ crops, whilst ignoring the real socio-economic causes of
The many pan-African networks belonging to AFSA all note with great
concern the increasing acquisition of huge areas of African land by
mining conglomerates and biofuel and export agribusiness. Smallholder
farmers such as those displaced by these land grabs feed 70% of the
world. Their model of agro-ecological family farming is the most
efficient and productive in the world. We must support them instead of
undermining their knowledge and practice" said Million Belay,
Coordinator of AFSA.
from Grain

Commentary and analysis to persuade people to become socialist and to act for themselves, organizing democratically and without leaders, to bring about a world of common ownership and free access. We are solely concerned with building a movement of socialists for socialism. We are not reformists with a programme of policies to patch up capitalism.
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