Whenever we talk about the African continent, images of famine, ethnic
cleansing and brutal corrupt dictatorships usually come first to mind.
This clichéd association, which tends to blame Africans for all their
ills is reinforced by a compliant Western mainstream media, which more
than often plays a subservient role to structures of power and
dominance. But it seems that the mood is changing as Africa is booming
economically. We are now being told by politicians and others that
Africa will be helped not by charity but by investment. For instance,
the likes of Tjada Mckenna and Jonathan Shriver, representatives for
Feed the Future, US Government food and hunger initiative are
enthusiastic about the business potential that Africa can offer:
‘Africa is home to seven of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies
and the rate of return on foreign investment is higher in Africa than in
any other developing region. Doing business in Africa makes good
business sense.’
Attracted by these high economic growth rates and propelled by a lack of
new opportunities elsewhere, huge global food and agriculture companies
like Monsanto, Syngenta and Unilever are rapidly increasing their
presence in sub-Saharan Africa, seeking access to resources and new
markets to expand their operations. In the same way that Europeans
colonised much of the continent in the nineteenth century, large
corporations are now looking for raw materials, land and labour and
their attention is turning to Africa, which the World Bank has dubbed
‘the last frontier’ in global food markets.
The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition is supposedly committed
to eradicating hunger in Africa, building on previous initiatives (such
as the green revolution) that have failed so far to reach that goal. It
is a partnership between the powerful G8, a number of African
governments, transnational corporations and some domestic companies.
Under its cooperation frameworks, African countries promise to reform
their land laws and make other policy changes to facilitate private
investment in agriculture. In exchange, they get hundreds of millions of
dollars in donor assistance and promises from foreign companies and
their local partners to invest considerably.
The G8 funds are supposed to be aligned with the country agriculture
plans developed through the African Union's Comprehensive Africa
Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) that was carried out through
national consultation. But almost all of the G8’s New Alliance policy
measures that each African government commits to implement within
clearly defined deadlines are exclusively aimed at increasing corporate
investment in agricultural lands and input markets. This highlights how
such initiatives are not really designed to serve the African people but
rather to open up new markets for big corporations that are driven by
maximum profits regardless of their devastating impact on local life.
Instead of providing a solution to hunger, the pro-corporate approach of
initiatives like the New Alliance is likely to exacerbate hunger and
poverty through shifting control of the food system away from
small-scale farmers and local communities into the hands of big business
that will likely invest in lucrative projects such as exporting cash
crops like coffee, tobacco and biofuel crops.
In 2012, Mamadou Cissokho, honorary president of the Network of Farmers'
and Agricultural Producers' Organisations of West Africa (ROPPA), sent a
letter to the president of the African Union on behalf of African civil
society networks and farmers' organisations expressing his concerns
over how the G8 was dictating agricultural policy in Africa:
‘….on the eve of the G8 meeting at Camp David, I address myself to you,
the President of the African Union – and through you to all African
Heads of State – to ask what leads you to believe that Africa's food
security and food sovereignty could be achieved by international
cooperation and outside the policy frameworks formulated in inclusive
fashion with the peasants and producers of the continent…The G8 and G20
can in no way be considered appropriate places for such decisions.”
Along similar lines and in a compelling statement, African civil society
networks and organisations dubbed the New Alliance as a ‘new wave of
colonialism’ and emphasised the necessity of food sovereignty, on
individual and household food security first, with trade arising from
surpluses beyond this.
It is anticipated that these policy commitments from the African
governments will reinforce land grabbing and destroy the livelihood of
small farmers who will be robbed of their lands forced into using
expensive and damaging agrochemicals and corporate-controlled seeds, and
subjected to insecure and poorly paid jobs, increasing their poverty
and debt.
As someone coming from the global south, from Africa in particular, the
whole thing sounds like some IMF structural adjustment program that
mortgaged our sovereignty and wreaked havoc on our countries’ economies
in the 90s. For me, it is also another neo-colonial instrument advancing
under the cloak of the “altruistic civilising progress”, in order to
remove any barrier to greed and to keep us subordinated to a profoundly
unjust global order. This is an order that is benefitting a tiny
minority over the poor majority and is the cause of the poverty and
hunger in Africa in the first place.
The G8’s New Alliance will neither eradicate hunger nor achieve food
security for Africans and thus must be fought. Solidarity with African
farmers is a duty of any person caring about global justice.
The World Development Movement (WDM)
launched a new campaign in early April in order to challenge the
corporate control of the African food system through the G8’s New
WDM will contest this initiative as part of the global movement for food
sovereignty, which demands the right to food to be fulfilled, and that
food producers and consumers can determine their own food systems and
have control over the skills and resources that form them.
What better way to send a strong message to the UK Department For
International Development (DfID), the British establishment and the
multinationals involved and to say loudly and clearly what the New
Alliance initiative is all about, than the creative and humorous
[url=]WDM stunt[/url] that was carried out on Monday 31st March. A
bunch of smartly-dressed activists pretending to be representatives of
several multinationals involved in the New Alliance paid a visit to DfID
in order to thank them for their precious help in enabling them to
carve up African markets and resources for their profits. To add to the
celebratory mood, they took a big cake in the shape of Africa, a
continent that they voraciously want to slice between themselves. King
Leopold, responsible for the colonisation and the genocide in the Congo
region and a key player in the Berlin conference where European powers
formalised the African takeover, would have liked this gesture – for
completely different reasons of course – as he once said: "I do not want
to miss a good chance of getting us a slice of this magnificent African
cake.” Sadly, DfID representatives weren’t so keen to help the
‘executives’ in carving up the cake.
By Hamza Hamouchene from here

Commentary and analysis to persuade people to become socialist and to act for themselves, organizing democratically and without leaders, to bring about a world of common ownership and free access. We are solely concerned with building a movement of socialists for socialism. We are not reformists with a programme of policies to patch up capitalism.
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Monday, May 12, 2014
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