- The current population of Africa is 1,272,027,186 as of Monday, January 1, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
- Africa population is equivalent to 16.41% of the total world population.
- Africa ranks number 2 among regions of the world (roughly equivalent to "continents"), ordered by population.
- The population density in Africa is 42 per Km2 (110 people per mi2).
- The total land area is 29,648,481 Km2 (11,447,338 sq. miles)
- 40.2 % of the population is urban (505,429,407 people in 2017)
- The median age in Africa is 19.4 years.
- Fertility Rate is 4.66 (6.62, 1955)
Projection for 2050
- Population: 2,527,556,761
- Africa's Share of World Pop 26.6 %
- Population density: 85
- Urbanisation: 53% - 1,338,565,979
- Median age: 24.8
- Fertility Rate: 3.09
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