Friday, September 04, 2015

Africans can save the world

European missionaries have preached love and fellowship to all men and women. Europe's pull factor is easily understood by a variety of reasons such as its human rights proclamations and its calls for universal moral values so should we be surprised when many actually take them at their word and put those worthy promises to an ethical test.  

Migration is part of the human journey since homo sapiens started moving out of the Rift Valley in Africa but many people have a selective reading of history. Have the Italians forgot how their emigrants practically created nations such as Argentina and Uruguay, the Spanish and Portuguese other parts of South and Central America. Have the British forget their export of people to Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Maybe the Dutch have slipped it from their memory of their migrations to South Africa and treks within it. The Chinese have settled all across Asia. The Japanese sought the West Coat of America. And the United States displaced both the original inhabitants of the land and then expanded into other colonist territory in what was once Mexican land.

And Africa?  Its migrations were enforced by violence, whips and chains and not at all voluntary and most definitely not profitable to them or the continent. 

Today, the bulk of Africans looking for opportunities outside their countries go to another African country.

It will be Africa's youth that will keep growing when the rest of the world will be ageing. Many in Europe and elsewhere have difficulty in admitting that the current state welfare in all ageing countries is unsustainable implies a vast overhaul of social and political choices to sustain the economy. A demographic equilibrium is still essential. Social security or pension need young people to be productive workers. That is why Europe will have to come to grips with its need for migrants, as acknowledged by the EU Commission, itelf. Between now and 2050, Africa will double its population. It is likely to generate a much bigger flow of young Africans looking for opportunities in an ageing Europe.

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