Although political apartheid was dismantled by the 1994 election of
President Nelson Mandela in South Africa, a new form of economic
apartheid is now stalking the entire African continent.
This new economic apartheid refers to the seed convention known as
UPOV91 (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of
Plants), advanced by the European Union, the United States, and the
World Bank to protect plant breeders’ rights under the World Trade
Organisation. The EU is setting its implementation by African
governments as a prerequisite for trading under their Economic
Partnership Agreements (EPAs), scheduled for 2016.
The first apartheid characteristic of UPOV91 privileges formal sector
plant breeders who work in modern laboratories full of expensive
equipment to experiment with new plant varieties. The UPOV91 convention
gives this breeder private ownership over the new strain, extending
property rights beyond the seed, to the full plant, and to ‘essentially
derived’ products (e.g. flour from wheat).
For this legal, individual possession, the new variety must be distinct,
uniform, and stable (DUS), characteristics not found in farmers’ newly
bred varieties after their experimentation in the fields. It means that
farmers’ new varieties are not protected by the UPOV convention and
remain free for the taking.
Farmer breeders do not desire seed traits that are highly stable, for
they are looking for nuances in traits to choose the next seeds for
breeding. As one farmer asked, ‘What do they mean by ‘heritage seed’?
Aren’t the seeds changing all the time?’
During the 20 years of proprietary rights for the breeder of DUS
varieties, no one can exchange, use, experiment or save the seed without
permission, a prohibition eradicating farmers’ rights to work with any
seeds. Because farmers have cultivated diverse food crops over
millennia, two international laws protect farmers’ rights (International
Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the
Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity). For African
governments to incorporate UPOV91 into national laws, they would have to
violate these two treaties.
Farmers’ experimentation and freely sharing involve not only seeds but
the indigenous knowledge embedded in them. Farmers, for example, know
the hundreds of varieties of millet and sorghum or teff, grains more
nutritious than maize or rice or wheat, and ones that are regaining
interest on the continent because they grow well in semi-arid
conditions, while the more familiar maize varieties are not standing up
to climate change aridity. Smallholder African farmers grow 20-25 crops
on one hectare, sharing knowledge — sometimes formally in farmer field
schools but also daily in informal ways — about which variety grows best
under another crop, where to place the various crops in terms of
moisture percolation in the small field and, especially, variable
planting times in case the rains come late, or start early. Farmers know
the nutrition value of their biodiverse crops, encouraging children and
mothers to partake more of one (e.g., pearl and finger millets) than of
another (cassava). And nutrition includes feeding the living soil with
leguminous plants rotated with grain crops.
Why would anyone want to destroy farmers’ experimentation and knowledge?
For the same reason apartheid reigned too long: it is profitable.
UPOV91 offers another way to privatise a living organism, accomplished
more easily than the difficult job of enforcing a patent.
To demonstrate that this metaphor of an apartheid seed law is not a
casual label, I have taken quotations about South African apartheid from
a photography exhibit [1] in Johannesburg that chronicles what the
daily abuses and humiliations were. They speak well to the segregation
and abuse of all farmer breeders that UPOV91 will impose.
‘Apartheid’s social reality was not only the regime of law, but the
construction of the necessary context in which the inferior status of
Africans was established….It is by understanding the rituals of truth of
apartheid (white entitlement and superiority) and how those rituals
were translated by those who benefitted most from the rules.’ (Enwezor
and Bester 2013: 24)
UPOV91 is trying to establish, by law, the inferior status of
smallholder farmers who breed and do scientific experiments in the
field. It privileges the formal sector plant breeders’ entitlement and
superiority. The normative law translates back into profit for the
corporations benefiting from PVP – plant variety protection. This
constructed distinction between two different types of breeding becomes a
‘ritual of truth’.
‘The visible and aesthetic aspect of this [apartheid segregation] would
be that whites lived in manicured, well-tended, and organised
neighbourhoods and houses with modern amenities, sat in first class, …
ate in different and better restaurants…and on the other hand, Africans
lived in substandard, crowded, squalid townships with deficits in modern
amenities, travelled in the second-class cabin, and ate in different
‘A park bench that has inscribed on it ‘for whites only’ defines a
structure. But it is also a picture that reproduces the conditions
that secure the image of a norm. …Over time, such an expectation
becomes internalised as norm, as the reality of the difference.’
(Enwezor and Bester 2013: 24)
UPOV91 legitimises the view that ‘real plant breeders’ wear white coats
and work in a sparkling laboratory with the latest instruments, while
projecting that farmer breeders are barefoot, dirty, and semi-literate.
They cannot produce DUS (distinct, uniform, stable) seeds and
therefore, they are not breeders. The Gates Foundation’s Programme for
African Seed Systems (PASS) call their seeds ‘weak’ and ‘recycled’,
‘used for decades’.[2] Like apartheid benches ‘for whites only’ in the
parks and on the beaches, only a breeder of DUS seeds can sit on the
laboratory stool as a recognised seed breeder; farmer breeders do not
‘To be African is to know that your access to the city will be severely
policed, and that the slightest violation of the rules of segregation
will result in dramatic measures of police harassment.’ (Enwezor and
Bester 2013: 24)
The pass laws, restricting the movement of Africans at all times, became
a core impetus for organising against apartheid from the Defiance
Campaign (1952) through ‘making the townships ungovernable’ (1980s).
Any ‘non-white’ without a pass could be detained for 90 days, or more,
without trial or notification of any lawyer. To emphasise the
similarities, the above quote simply has farmers inserted:
‘To be [a farmer breeder] is to know that your access to the [UPOV
protected seed] will be severely policed, and that the slightest
violation of the rules of segregation will result in dramatic
Farmer breeders will not be summarily detained, but Canada has already
made violation of its UPOV-based law a criminal act, not a civil
offense. The U.S. courts have upheld Monsanto’s allegations against
hundreds of farmers that they stole a ‘Monsanto gene’, when most often,
pollen carried by wind fertilised the farmers’ crops. With these
precedents, the economic apartheid of UPOV91 will most likely be
strictly enforced by the courts.
Civil society and farmers across the African continent are organising
against UPOV91, but the threat of the looming European trade agreements
(EPAs) remains. Just as civil society resistance in the North changed
the context for domestic apartheid, the international community needs to
voice and organise rejection of this apartheid seed law.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation recognises two seed systems:
the formal one and farmers’, because all breeders are essential to
cultivate new food varieties in this time of climate change. Further,
farmers are even more advanced than formal sector breeders, for their
new seeds are already ‘field tested’, whereas laboratory seeds often
fail during field trials, not expressing the traits desired.[3] Let us
not allow UPOV to gain any ‘sensibility of normalcy’ in segregating and
denigrating farmer seed breeders:
‘Apartheid … transformed and maintained institutions for the sole
purpose of denying and depriving Africans of rights and access…. [As
does the UPOV seed law that deprives farmers of rights and access]. But
the viability of such a system required more than the instruments of
law….It necessitated a continuous process of socialisation and
institutionalisation until it acquired a sensibility of normalcy….’
(Enwezor and Bester 2013: 25)
The international community’s vociferous and sustained rejection of this
new economic apartheid would protect the future of food for us all.
by Carol Thompson from here

Commentary and analysis to persuade people to become socialist and to act for themselves, organizing democratically and without leaders, to bring about a world of common ownership and free access. We are solely concerned with building a movement of socialists for socialism. We are not reformists with a programme of policies to patch up capitalism.
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