Friday, January 02, 2015

The Horns of a Dilemma

All of the governments in Africa which have maintained military relations with AFRICOM and NATO countries are in no way more stable and secured from instability.

Since 2007, the U.S. and its allies in Britain and France have carried out numerous execution-style attacks in Somalia in search and destroy missions. The African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) has approximately 22,000 troops in the Horn of Africa state. These troops come from numerous states including Uganda, Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone and others (Sierra Leone troops will be withdrawn due to the Ebola epidemic in that country. Forces participating in AMISOM were trained by the U.S. Army Africa, a component of AFRICOM. Most of the funding, supplies and coordination of AMISOM is carried out by the Pentagon, the CIA and private military and intelligence contractors, such as Bancroft Global Development, a security firm with close ties to the Pentagon.

 In neighboring Djibouti, AFRICOM has established a base at Camp Lemonnier where 4,000 troops and intelligence personnel are stationed. This military base is undergoing a major refurbishment indicating that the Pentagon and CIA penetration of the Horn of Africa is destined to continue for an extended period. The Obama administration said it had signed a 20-year lease on it. Despite this presence a series of strikes by guerrilla forces from Al-Shabaab have created tensions in both Djibouti and Somalia. Since the presence of the Pentagon-backed AMISOM operation in Somalia, millions of Africans have been dislocated due to hostilities between Al-Shabaab and the Federal Government which is propped-up by Washington and Brussels.

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